What you should also pay attention to when buying a laptop for a child
Another component to watch out for is RAM. The thing is simple here. It should be 16 GB. If it is less, the computer will also work, but some games may not start. The last component on our list is the hard drive, i.e. a place for all installed programs. Games can take up huge amounts, so the bigger the better. Then you won't have to uninstall one game to play another.
And that's it, any laptop that meets the above requirements will certainly have a well-matched processor and other components, so you can consider whether it's nice and whether it comes with the Windows 11 operating system – without a system, a computer is useless. And if you need a computer that is a bit more tailored to your individual requirements, we recommend our Hyperbook laptops. You can choose a ready-made model, straight from the shelf, or configure it according to your needs - and this is not offered by the competition.
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